Big Trouble
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If you ask most writers which writer (other than themselves, of course) they most admire, they’ll come up with names like Shakespeare or Dostoevsky or someone equally dead. You know—authors whose work was so confusing that even the Cliffs Notes were impossible to understand. My answer, on the other hand, is always Dave Barry (and then I’ll say something involving the word “butt” and giggle).

But I’ll admit that I was a bit nervous when I heard that Dave was writing a novel. Sure, I love Dave’s work, but I tend to read it in small chunks. Would a novel full of Dave’s childish one-liners be too much to handle?

So I proceeded with caution—and I was pleasantly surprised. In Big Trouble, a different side of Dave Barry comes through loud and clear—and Dave shows that, while he’s still a perpetual ten-year-old, he can tone it down enough to write an incredible story that just so happens to be hilarious, too.

Big Trouble is so complex—and so well-done. There are at least 42 different plot lines that connect perfectly to create an outrageous story involving a couple of hit men, two Russians who sell weapons out of a run-down bar, a homeless guy, an embezzler, a down-on-his-luck advertising guy, two cops, a detective, two FBI agents, two kids with squirt guns, a couple of small-time crooks, an evil toad, and Elizabeth Dole. The only thing I can say about it all is: only in Miami...

Hard to explain? Yes. Hard to read? Not at all. This book is one that you won’t be able to put down until you’ve read the whole thing (twice).

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