Trivial Pursuit: Star Wars Edition
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Players: 2-4 players or teams
Playing Time: about an hour

To gather all six colored wedges and return to the center circle for a final winning question. If you get it right, you WIN!

Game pieces:
Star Wars trivia cards, small pack of Phantom Menace trivia cards, 4 pewter tokens, including Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo, 24 colored wedges, R2D2 electronic "dice," and game board.

Introduction to the board:
This game is based on episodes 4, 5, and 6 of the Star Wars movies. The board is set up like a regular Trivial Pursuit game, but all the spaces have a Star Wars theme, such as R2D2's picture, Yoda, the Death Star, Boba Fett, and a new green "hyperspace" space that lets you go to any place on the board. Nifty, huh?

To play:
Players choose a character piece, place it in the center of the board, and then take turns pressing R2's head. R2 will randomly display a number on his or her electronic body, and the player with the highest number goes first. The first player touches R2's head again and moves the correct number of spaces on the board, moving clockwise, counter-clockwise, up, or down. The player then proceeds to be asked a question from another player from one of the trivia cards. Answers are on the back of the card, unless you pick one of the many cards that have a Star Wars scene on the back. The questions will then pertain to that picture (seen by all players), and the answers will be listed in bold under the questions. Questions correspond to the color that the player lands on. If you roll a six and land on the category headquarters, you can try to answer that question correctly for a colored wedge.

All the trivia cards have six color-coded categories that correspond to a specific category -- purple: Characters, green: Geography, blue: Weapons and Vehicles, gold: History (Star Wars history, remember!), orange: Droids, Creatures, and Aliens, and pink is wild, so it can be any of the above. There is also a special pack of Episode 1 -- Phantom Menace cards. These, too, are color-coded but do not have categories. Simply ask the correct colored question as the colored space on the board.

Some questions are easy, such as: "What is the weapon of a Jedi Knight?" The answer, of course, is a light saber. But other questions are downright difficult. Try this one: "How many rank insignia squares did General Veers' dress uniform boast?" Now I consider myself a big Star Wars fan, but I couldn't guess it. Did you? The answer: 8.

If you answer correctly, you roll again; answer incorrectly and play passes to the next person. If you land by exact count in the center but don't have all your color wedges, you can pick any category for your question (correct answers only go again -- no wedge gained). If you don't land by exact count in the center but you want to pass through it, you can do so and continue on any direction you please.

To win:
Gain all of your colored wedges and head to the center hub -- you must land by exact count. Next, you must answer a final question that is chosen by your opponents, not you. If you guess correctly, you WIN! Otherwise, you must move out on your next turn, answer a regular question, and then try for the center again, whereupon you must try to answer another question.

The game takes so long sometimes because the questions are so hard that you really have to think back for a while to come up with an answer. Remember, though, that it's fun to guess too! You might just guess right! Overall, it's a fun game, especially for Star Wars fans who think they know it all -- this game will test that knowledge to the extreme.

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