Trivial Pursuit: 20th Anniversary Edition
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The popular trivia game is back with an edition that features questions from the last twenty years -- and a question selected from among the fans who submitted questions to the game’s web site.

The categories for this edition are Global View, Sound and Screen, News, The Written Word, Innovations, and Game Time. Some of the questions are challenging -- even for those who have lived the last twenty years and think they know everything there is to know. However, there are plenty of questions that are really easy and make playing the game a little more enjoyable.

This edition features a round board instead of the usual square and a plastic card dispenser that resembles a playing card shuffler. The cards are divided into three groups of 200 question cards probably because that's about how many cards can fit into the card dispenser.

I love trivia games, and I enjoy this one because I can answer some of the questions without too much guessing. Being able to answer the questions is important for the overall enjoyment of the game. It's a little on the expensive side, so if you own other editions of the game, especially Genius 5, you might think about taking a pass. The questions for both editions are current, and players will probably be able to answer the same percentage of the questions.

Ed. Note: Also see Kristin's review of the Genius IV Edition.

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