Everything's Eventual
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A short story collection is like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you’re gonna get when you bite into each story. But, at the same time, you get plenty of variety.

I read Everything’s Eventual in the format that seems to be the hip way to read King these days -- on ebook (you can get it for Microsoft Reader or Adobe Reader). After all, King was one of the ebook-publishing pioneers, as he discusses at length in the introduction to the book (an introduction that will touch anyone who writes for the sheer love of it -- like I do).

The fourteen stories in this collection cover the full range of King stories: suspenseful, bizarre, gory, horrifying, and just plain creepy... King notes that he created the book’s table of contents in a totally random way -- but it worked out perfectly. The collection opens with “Autopsy Room Four,” an eerie story from the point of view of a body on the autopsy room table -- a body that may or may not be a dead body.

There aren’t many really low points in this collection -- though “Lunch at the Gotham Café” was a bit too stomach-turning for me and “The Little Sisters of Eluria” was a little too close to fantasy to suit my tastes. But I loved most of the stories in the collection -- like the title story, about a kid with “a good job” and “L.T.’s Theory of Pets,” about a man who came home one day to find that his wife had left and took the dog with her. “The Road Virus Heads North,” a story about a creepy painting that appears to be prophetic, is one of my favorites, as is “Luckey Quarter,” the final story -- about a Nevada chambermaid and her dream tip.

As an added bonus, each story includes the author’s comments -- a conversation with the reader about what, exactly, was going on in King’s head when he wrote it. You’ve always wondered what goes on in Stephen King’s head, didn’t you? I know I did... So here’s your chance to find out -- and, in the meantime, you’ll get to read some great stories, too.

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