What if you were born and raised in a shack in a Tennessee back wood and
grew up hearing others call you fat and ugly. Wouldn't that make you hate your
appearance and wish to be someone else? Maybell did!
What if one boy
tried to rape you and when that failed, got six of his friends to join in accomplishing a
most dehumanizing violation? What if you were a virgin?
“Hell hath no
fury…” is a statement usually synonymous with a woman wronged in love. Well, there was
no love when Maybell’s innocence was stripped from her, and she was left trussed up like
an animal, bound and gagged with duct tape, naked and alone in a farmer’s field.
I was pulled deeper and deeper with every turn of the page into the
emotional trauma of Maybell Parrish, feeling what she felt and crying with her as she
endured a horrid crime. Her revenge was my revenge as I cheered her on.
She wanted to strike back at those responsible with the type of revenge
that would keep on punishing them for as long as they all lived. Her plan was to find
the right method, the right time, and the right place.
Riveting and
suspenseful, this book is a must read! Find out why Maybell’s Revenge is sweet
justice...so fitting! You will stand up and cheer as I did when I read the final
Ed. Note: For more on Maybell's Revenge, check out
Bill's site to read an excerpt
or the first