The Interpreter
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The UN Building in New York was the much-hyped location for this fast-paced action-drama. Nicole Kidman stars as Silvia Broome, a UN interpreter who happens to overhear a whispered conversation, suggesting that the notorious leader of an African country is about to be assassinated in the UN building. When she comes forward with her discovery, the UN calls in the Secret Service, and Tobin Keller (Sean Penn) is sent to investigate Silvia. After all, how likely is it that she just happened to come back for her bag one night, only to overhear a whispered conversation—in a language that few people understand?

As the Secret Service investigates deeper, they find that Silvia may be more connected to the story than she’s letting on. And it’s up to Keller to figure out if Silvia really is just an innocent bystander—or if she’s a part of the plot to kill the man in charge of her homeland.

The Interpreter is action-packed and suspenseful, full of political plots and car chases and bloodthirsty dictators. It’s an exhilarating roller-coaster ride that moves from slow and steady to a break-neck speed that will leave you breathless. After you catch your breath, though, you’ll suddenly realize that major parts of the plot just don’t make sense—and you may very well feel seriously let down, like I did.

Kidman plays her role with her usual finesse. She’s spectacular, as usual. In fact, she’s only getting better. But, unfortunately, she couldn’t rescue the Swiss cheese plot. This one had so much potential, but the writers didn’t take the time to make everything fit together—and this just isn’t the kind of movie in which major plot holes are acceptable (in fact, only good brainless comedies and chick flicks can pull that off).

If you’re one of those people who can watch a movie without asking too many questions, you’ll enjoy the action and suspense of The Interpreter. But if you regularly find yourself replaying movies and trying to work through the plots, this one will make you crazy.

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