Whether you’ve got all the time in the world—or just a couple of days—to finish up your hand-knit holiday gifts, Sara Lucas and Allison Isaacs, the owners of San Francisco’s ImagiKnit, offer plenty of suggestions in their book, Holiday Knits.
The book is divided into three parts to help with time-management as you plan your projects: Quick Crafts (those that require about a weekend), Plan Ahead (those that require a week or two), and Long-Term Luxuries (those that will take at least a couple of weeks). While the majority of the projects in the book are pretty standard—hats and scarves and socks and mittens—there are still plenty of designs that will make you stop and think, “Now there’s something different.” Inside, you’ll find an adorable brimmed baby hat, a fun ruffled scarf, a cozy lap blanket, a felted rug—and, of course, plenty of holiday stockings. And even the basic projects feature interesting techniques that you may not have seen before (my personal favorite is their technique for knitting one-row stripes without having to break the yarn).
Newer knitters will find this book chock-full of ideas for great gifts that they’ll be able to make for their family and friends (and even if you can’t fit them all in this year, it’s never too soon to start thinking about next year). More advanced knitters might see many of the patterns as a bit too run-of-the-mill, but they’ll still find some cute ideas for last-minute holiday gifts.
While the book is meant for holiday knitting, that doesn’t mean that you have to shelve it once December 26 comes around. Some of the patterns—blankets and placemats and baby booties—make great birthday gifts and wedding gifts and baby gifts, too.