Needled to Death
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After the death of her aunt and cousin (in Sefton’s first Knitting Mystery, Knit One, Kill Two) left her with a cottage in Fort Connor, Colorado—and a ranch in Wyoming—Washington, D.C. accountant Kelly Flynn returned home to Colorado to figure out her inheritance. At the knitting café across the parking lot from her new cottage, she picked up a new hobby and made a few friends. In fact, she’s starting to get settled in—and she’s even toying with the possibility of staying in Fort Connor.

One day, however, when Kelly accompanies a group of tourists to a local alpaca farm, she finds herself in the middle of a mystery when she goes in search of the farm’s owner, Vickie Claymore, and finds her dead. The obvious suspect is Bob Claymore, Vickie’s cheating husband (who was soon to be her ex), who ends up inheriting half of the ranch. But it could also be Vickie’s cousin, Jayleen, who helped out on the farm, though she really wanted a farm of her own.

When Vickie’s daughter, Debbie, shows up in Fort Connor to settle her mother’s estate, Kelly agrees to help. And, at the same time, she starts doing a little investigating of her own to try to find Vickie’s killer.

If you’re looking for a serious mystery, this isn’t it. The story is pretty light and fluffy, the details aren’t always accurate, and it probably won’t take you long to correctly guess the killer. Kelly, the main character, is terribly naïve, too—but that’s part of what makes her so lovable. The story is warm and cozy, and it’s full of characters that are as kind and caring (and, well, downright neighborly) as people in a fictional small mountain town should be. And while the knitting content may feel a bit forced at times, it’ll make an instant connection with its knitting readers (who are, of course, the primary audience for a series called “Knitting Mysteries”). While reading it, I was extremely jealous of Kelly, lives right across the driveway from a yarn shop/cafe—and that alone was worth the read for me.

If you love knitting as much as you love a good read, you’ll enjoy this book. It may not be a serious read, but it’s a fun read nonetheless—and you’ll whip through it in no time, so you can get back to your latest project.

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