Guy Can’t Read Writing in the Sky
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Dear Christine,

I’m sort of seeing a woman that I like a lot. When we first started showing interest in each other, we both agreed that we didn’t want anything too exclusive. After some time, however, I found we tended to finish off our Saturday evenings at the same pub. Coincidence? I think not.

We always manage to gravitate to each other when the bartender announces last call and then we either go to the same after-party or we go back to her place for a nightcap.

Waking up together and spending Sundays with her is the best. We’ve come up with some wonderfully creative ways to spend the day, or we just order take-out, rent a movie, and cuddle on the couch.

I’m ready and eager to be exclusive with her. She, on the other hand, is not sending signals that she wants a boyfriend. -- WANTING MORE – LONDON, ONTARIO

Dear Wanting More,

What are you waiting for? Skywriting? A telegram?

You already have her exclusively on Saturday nights and Sundays. Saturday is most commonly known as date night, and Sundays are traditionally family and friends days. There’s something to be said if she’s consistently reserving them both for you.

Stop treating her like a booty call, and take her out for dinner some Saturday. Then, come right out and ask her if she wants to go steady.

If you prefer subtlety, call her in the middle of the week for a date. Let her know you aren’t seeing anyone else. Odds are, she’ll tell you what she’s doing when you aren’t around. If not, refer back to “the offer,” and come right out and ask.

Dear Christine,

You’re great. When I read you, it’s like talking to a friend. I was wondering:
  1. Do you ever get letters from male readers trying to woo you?
  2. Have you gone out with, or would you ever consider going out on a date with, an interested fan?

Dear Interested Fan,

Thank you for your kind words. I can never hear too much flattery.
  1. Yes. My favourites are the guys who start off by telling me their problems then say I understand them better than their current partner, and, thus, we should go out and get to know each other better.
  2. No. And you guys need to knock it off. I’m flattered, boys, but this isn’t a personals ad. It’s a singles’ column, where I offer advice when asked. I’m here to help alleviate your stresses, but not in the way you’re thinking. Wink, wink.

Have a question, a thought, or a story to share (anonymity guaranteed)? Email Christine at

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