24 CTU: Undercover
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Players: 2-4 (ages 12+)
Playing Time: approx. 40 minutes

So you’ve always dreamed of becoming a secret agent? Then you may want to take a crack at a new game modeled after the Emmy-winning drama 24.

Try to decipher other players’ plans for stopping a terrorist. The objective of 24 CTU: Undercover is to guess one player’s hand: which agent, location, and technological tool are being used to thwart off an attack.

The game mat is a 24-hour clock. After the dealer shuffles the 24 CTU cards, players begin with three cards, one from each of the above categories (agent, location, tool). They’re also given a PDA tracker sheet to take notes as each person spins the action spinner and takes a turn. Doesn’t this remind you of that classic game where you guess the who, where, and how of the murder? I initially thought so, but boy was I mistaken. The spinner orders players to spy, expose, make a cell call, interrogate, or switch a card on the mat with a card from the same category from their hand. This is accomplished by moving the Jack Bauer marker down the 24-hour clock. Since the cards that each player starts out with will probably change numerous times throughout the game, it’s imperative that you take accurate notes, including the hour to designate where on the map that the clue is. This game takes organizational skill, but once you play it a few times and get the hang of it, it becomes easier.

Note: We immediately discovered an error in our particular set. There were two location cards—Beijing and Hong Kong—that were not on the tracker sheet. In turn, Mexico and Mojave Desert were on the tracker sheet, but no cards could be found for them. I solved this mystery and rectified the situation with my weapon of choice: a trusty black felt marker.

Four of us, ranging in ages from 13 to 60, played this game. We all thoroughly enjoyed it, realizing, though, that this endeavor is not for the lazy. As is the case for all CTU agents, you must be logical and attentive at all times. If you love games that require strategy and skill, then 24 CTU: Undercover is for you. Now if they could just package Keiffer Sutherland in the game box, well, I would be in heaven.

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