Terms of Surrender
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Slany Breeze is a submissive, but she’s not a doormat, and her last boyfriend had forgotten that. So when a new dominant comes along, she’s understandably leery of him—and it doesn’t help matters that she works for the same company he does. Will he turn out to be a true dominant? One who will never hurt her? Something she’s looked for all her life? Someone she can submit to without fear of being hurt in body as well as mind?

Nick Vega is the creative director at Dunlop, Meyer & Thorpe, Inc., and he wants to dominate Slany in all ways possible—because she turns him on like no other woman ever has. As their relationship deepens, though, he begins to wonder who the true dominant is. Even though she submits to his orders, he can refuse her nothing.

A black specter hovers in the background, threatening Slany and Nick’s peace of mind. Someone in the office wants Nick, and someone wants Slany as his own—and he’ll stop at nothing until she submits to his sick needs and Nick is destroyed. Meanwhile, two women from Nick’s past have disappeared after he dated them, throwing him into a suspicious light, and he must get at the truth before it annihilates his life.

Gracie C. McKeever builds the tension scene by erotic scene, draws it out until the air is palpable with sexual sizzle. Filled with romance, sex, and suspense, Terms of Surrender will please you in all the ways a novel can.

Though Nick is a dominant male, he’s not cruel or overly cocky about it, making him a likable character, despite his role in the book. Slany is submissive, but she doesn’t allow herself to be cowed or stepped on by Nick. She has a backbone, which makes her an admirable character. Ms McKeever does an excellent job of developing her hero and heroine, giving you a true glimpse into domination and submission.

The sex rating on this book is scorching. It contains many sexual encounters and unconventional sex, and it will probably offend delicate readers. I found love scenes to be tastefully done, however, putting Gracie C. McKeever on my list of the best erotica authors out there.

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