101 Designer One-Skein Wonders
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About a year ago, I fell madly in love with Judith Durant’s book, One-Skein Wonders—a book that instantly found itself in a permanent position of honor next to my knitting chair. Now, just in time for the holiday season, Durant’s released another collection of 101 one-skein projects.

Like the first book, 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders features 101 patterns that require just one skein of yarn. This time around, however, the organization is a little better. The book opens by presenting about 30 pages of glossy, full-color pictures of all 101 knit and crochet designs. The pictures are conveniently grouped together by the weight of yarn required—and each picture gives the page number of the corresponding pattern. Like the pictures, the patterns are also organized by weight—from lace weight to bulky, plus an additional section for novelty yarn.

Once again, Durant offers a wide variety of patterns in 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders—from delicate lace wraps to chunky felted bags. There are plenty of the basics, of course—lots of scarves, hats, socks, and baby sweaters. But you’ll also find some other options, too—like felted bowls, belts, brooches, shrugs, slippers, and more.

While some of the patterns in the book call for cones or unusually large skeins (which might translate into to two or more skeins from your stash), the patterns in this book are perfect for stash-busting—for using up that single skein that you bought on sale or that left-over ball from your favorite sweater. And while some designs use somewhat complex lace patterns (which are shown in rather tiny charts), most patterns are quick, simple, and straightforward. You may even learn a thing or two along the way, thanks to the sidebars, which teach techniques such as magic loop, short rows, and knitting with beads.

101 Designer One-Skein Wonders has something for knitters of all ages and skill levels—not to mention everyone on your holiday gift-knitting list. So if you’re looking for a last-minute holiday gift that you can whip up in no time—or a quick baby gift—you’re sure to find something here. And if you’re looking for a great project for that gorgeous skein of yarn that you just had to have, you’ll find that, too. 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders is another fabulous book of possibilities—one that will definitely be joining its predecessor in that spot next to my knitting chair.

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