March 18, 2025 
  Creation in Death
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In this latest futuristic thriller by J. D. Robb (a.k.a Nora Roberts), NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas faces a killer who�s haunted her for the past nine years, ever since she was just a rookie.

One night, as Dallas is settling in for an evening at home with her husband, Roarke, she�s called in to check out a body that�s been dumped in the park. Though she�s off-duty, she understands why she�s been called in as soon as she sees the body. It�s obviously the work of a serial killer known as The Groom.

When The Groom first terrorized the women of New York in 2051, Dallas was still learning the ropes�but now she�s in charge of the investigation. Since the killer captures his victims one after another, preparing his next victim while he�s still slowly torturing another, Dallas knows that it�s up to her to find The Groom before another woman dies. She works around the clock to put the pieces together�and to dig up the clues that she and her mentor, Feeney, hadn�t found before. But it soon becomes clear that, this time, The Groom�s killing spree is personal�and he could be coming for Dallas next.

From the very first page, Creation in Death is a chilling read. The villain is sinister and calculating, carefully planning each step. And the nature of his crimes make the novel a gripping read�because with the turning of the page, you�re aware that the latest victim is that much closer to winding up dead and discarded on a clean white sheet. Still, Robb takes the time to work through the details with careful precision�just as her villain does. There�s a lot of procedural stuff here�but it doesn�t really slow down the suspense.

Since this was (I�m almost ashamed to admit) my first time reading one of Robb�s Dallas novels, I found that the futuristic setting took some getting used to. While it wasn�t all that difficult to believe that, 50 years from now, we�ll have machines that cook our food to order or computers that take verbal orders and tackle complex calculations, there were some things that seemed to be a bit hard to believe and others that seemed a little too similar to the way they are today. I guess I�m just a details person�and I found some of the little details in this novel to be a bit distracting.

Picky details aside, though, Creation in Death is a gripping and suspenseful novel. If you love a good crime thriller (or a good episode of Law & Order: SVU), you�ll enjoy racing along with Dallas and trying to put all the pieces together.

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