Haunted Richmond
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I have several passions in my life, and one of them is the paranormal. Every Wednesday night, you’ll find me stretched out on the couch watching Jason and Grant and the crew from TAPS investigating haunted places. Any other time, you’ll find at least one book of true ghost stories on my bedside table. This week’s offering is Haunted Richmond by Pamela K. Kinney.

Come…follow me…and I’ll show you some of the ghostly places in Richmond, Virginia, that Ms. Kinney brings to life:

Not only can you get great popcorn in the Byrd Theatre, but you’ll also get the ghost of Robert Coulter, who once managed the theatre. He sits in one of the seats and enjoys the show as if he’s not dead.

Observe a ghostly “Lady in Red,” who roams the halls, looks out an upstairs window, or sits on the porch at Wrexham Hall in Chesterfield County.

Visit Haw Branch Plantation, a place that has more manifestations of psychic phenomena than any other place in Richmond.

Drive down Pocahontas Parkway on haunted route 895, and you might just see the ghosts of Native Americans going about their lives as if the freeway is still their camp and hunting grounds.

The above are just a few of the intriguing and chilling stories in Haunted Richmond.

I never thought that a visit to Richmond, Virginia, might be an interesting trip. After reading Haunted Richmond, though, I hope to some day be able to go. Ms. Kinney brings to life not only the ghostly visitors but also the rich and fascinating history of the people and places involved in each haunting. Even if you scoff at the paranormal, which I don’t, you’ll get caught up in each story, wanting to explore these historic sites for yourself.

Rich in detail and atmosphere, Haunted Richmond draws you back in time to linger among the spirits of past history and sometimes past tragedy. This is an enthralling book that’s not to be missed—especially for lovers of the paranormal.

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