The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion
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I have a confession to make: I’m a bonus feature junkie. I love ripping open a new DVD and flipping my way through the features—especially the making-of features. I love going behind the scenes of a movie and seeing how everything was done. Even if I don’t like the movie, I’m almost always fascinated by the movie magic.

With the new Chronicles of Narnia release, Prince Caspian, though, I don’t have to wait for the DVD release to see how the movie was made. In fact, I have something even better—and much more detailed: the official illustrated movie companion.

Written by Ernie Malik, the unit publicist for both Prince Caspian and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the book may be just another aspect of the movie’s massive publicity campaign—but it’s a worthwhile one nonetheless. In compiling this book, Malik left no movie-magic stone unturned. He covers every little detail of the movie making process—starting from the concept, the storyboard, and all that pre-production stuff, working his way through locations, filming, and cast, and finishing up with the sound, score, and effects.

As you’ll read the book, you’ll learn about the entire movie-making process. You’ll meet the cast and crew, and you’ll read about the challenges, the adventures, the stunning locations, and even the vermin that they encountered along the way. Through Malik’s detailed descriptions and the accompanying behind-the-scenes photos, you’ll feel as though you were there, on the New Zealand beaches and in the forests in Poland, as the movie was filmed.

Malik’s big, glossy guide to Prince Caspian does a wonderful job of bringing the movie to life. And I’ll admit that, after reading it, I’m pretty excited to see the finished product on the big screen.

Of course, reading the book before seeing the movie might spoil some of the fun. So if you prefer to see the magic show before you discover the magician’s secrets, you might want to wait a while to pick up the book. But after reading the book, I guarantee that you’ll want to run out and see the movie again—just so you can watch it all from a completely different [insider’s] perspective.

The Prince Caspian Movie Companion covers more behind-the-scenes stuff than any making-of featurette ever will. So whether you’re a fan of the Narnia movies—or you’re just interested in movie magic in general—you’re sure to be spell-bound by all the movie-making insights that this book has to offer.

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