Top Chefs Have a Foo(d) Fight
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On this week's very special rock-star edition of TOP CHEF, remaining contestants were split into two teams and challenged to make Thanksgiving dinner for the Foo Fighters! Apparently the uber-famous rockers are big fans of the show-and turkey. With so many holidays spent out on tour, the Foos craved a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Giddy chefs nearly fainted at the opportunity to cook for the legendary band.

Judges called the latest challenge "a test in rolling with the punches," but I'd call it just plain mean (hooray!). The contestants suffered through one evil twist after another as the tricky competition wore on.

First, the quick-fire challenge had chefs racing to cook a recipe from the TOP CHEF cookbook. Then, SURPRISE! After a short prep period, chefs were told they had to take ingredients on their table and create an interesting soup instead. Lea, the flirty brunette, was one of the few cooks to keep her cool and created a winning white asparagus soup (even though she hated it herself).

Then chefs were taken to the Foo's arena to cook a Thanksgiving meal, but never even made it to the kitchen. SURPRISE! There WAS no kitchen, but microwave and toaster ovens were waiting outside-yikes! "Have you seen the size of a turkey?" asked Alex as he opened a small toaster oven door. Chefs rushed to rethink their planned menu.

Stressed chefs were even more upset when it started to rain. Although it was not one of the show's planned hurdles, the downpour was the biggest challenge of the day as chefs scurried to save their dishes. "I'm not going home for rain in my tiramisu!" yelled Fabio, running for cover.

Despite the exhausting cooking adventure, a hearty meal was had by judges and Foos alike. The highlights were the turkey and stuffing dishes, while potatoes and desserts missed the mark. Self named "Team Sexypants" took the big win of the night, even though two of its members-the Euro buddies-had never cooked a Thanksgiving meal before!

That left "Team Cougar" to line up for elimination. Eyeing the marshmallow foam on his dessert plate, rocker Dave Groll asked, "Did someone piss off the s'mores guy? Cause it looks like he spit on mine." Ooooh, not good, and Richard, now known as "the spitty s'mores guy," had to pack his knives and go.

In a final wicked little twist, Team Cougar got to stay in the makeshift kitchen to clean up while the winning team got front row seats at the Foo Fighter's concert. The losers could hear the concert above them as they scrubbed the pots and pans-ouch!

Don't miss next week's edition of TOP CHEF when chefs cook a meal for the folks at The Today Show. Whose dish did the entire cast spit out on live TV? I can't wait to find out!

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