Get What You Came For
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Spring is right around the corner. The snow is thawing, the temperatures are rising, and the trees are starting to sprout buds. Now’s the time to come out of hibernation—to go for a drive with the windows rolled down or to head out for a jog around the neighborhood. It’s also the perfect time to crank up the volume on an album like Vanity Theft’s Get What You Came For.

The four members of this Ohio-based grrrl group may look like the cute 20-somethings who hit the clubs in packs on the weekends, gossiping and giggling about the guys at the other end of the bar—but their latest release is rowdy and rebellious. It’s edgy and gritty and maybe, sometimes, even just a little bit dirty. And, with their strong beats and their tough, take-no-prisoners attitude, these cute little girls could very well kick your favorite testosterone-fueled band’s ass.

Get What You Came For is a get-up-and-move kind of album, with heavy drums and guitar mixed with touches of synth for a powerful retro feel. These girls definitely know how to rock—and lead singer Alicia Grodecki’s growled vocals make that fact very clear from the beginning of the album’s first track, “Trainwreck.” The album is strong, and it’s angry. But it’s also candid and youthful and playful—and sometimes tongue-in-cheek. And it’s not without the occasional hint of vulnerability, too (like on the softer closing tracks, “Dead Battery” and “Missing Teeth”), which serves as subtle a reminder that the band is still made up of girls. Sure, they’re tough and they’re loud, but they’re real girls—not just girls who are trying to be just like the boys.

The songs, meanwhile, are catchy and hooky and worthy of repeated listenings—especially the first single, “Anatomy,” which I just can’t seem to get out of my head, and another personal favorite, “Limb from Limb.”

Get What You Came For is great girl-power music. It’s the kind of music that you listen to in the morning, to help you prepare for another day of the rat race. Or during a hardcore workout at the gym. Or while you’re getting ready for a night of clubbing with the girls. Or maybe just while you’re driving around with the windows rolled down, enjoying a breath of fresh spring air.

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