E-Author Spotlight: David S. Grant
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David S. Grant writes with a distinguishing sense of humor that brings out the best in his characters. As you read one of his novels, you know exactly what each character is feeling, and it’ll make you laugh out loud or smile really big. He also writes outside the box, so, with each book, you know that you’re getting something new and unique.

He was born in Milwaukee and grew up all over Wisconsin before eventually settling in New York City, which he calls home and loves. As a child, he enjoyed playing sports, but he would often sneak back into the house to watch Eddie Murphy movies during his Trading Places/48 Hours/Beverly Hills Cop movie run.

David loves to play mini-golf, and if they should ever release the mini-golf world rankings, he believes he’d be ranked in the top ten—somewhere in the top 7 to 9 range. He’s not a collector of anything, but he claims that he’s accumulated an unhealthy number of Chuck Taylor shoes.

When he was young, he dreamt that he got into a shoot-out with Bill Cosby. They both had pistols and were ducking behind old cars. He has no idea what this meant, nor has he ever had any animosity toward Mr. Cosby, but he wonders if it’s important to note that he was wearing a Cosby sweater.

He enjoys life and tries to remind himself of that often. Whether at work, having drinks, running, or spending time with his family, he wants it to be fun. Enjoying life in every aspect is very important to him.

Some of his favorite things include: his wife and family, his dog, his iPhone, any cold beer or popsicles in the refrigerator, and, of course, his Chuck Taylors.

On Writing, In Davis S. Grant’s Own Words

What or who inspires you to write?

Writing is my passion, so anytime I can find the time, I’m inspired. Reading books I enjoy can also put me in the mood, as well as living in New York, which is very inspirational, though strange at times. Today I saw a man having an argument with a hot dog. It’s instances like this where the NYPD needs to clarify reporting suspicious behavior.

Why did you begin writing?

I guess at some level I’ve always been writing, whether short stories or journals. I had always wanted to write a novel, and I just decided to do it. If you want to do something, then what are you waiting for, right? After writing my first novella, I continued writing, and in 2005 my first novel, Corporate Porn, was published by Silverthought Press. Since, I’ve had several books published by Silverthought Press, Brown Paper Publishing, and SynergEbooks.

Initially certain authors and books were major influences, and I wore these on my sleeve but over time have come into my own style. My writing is minimalist and dark, but with good humor. That is the intent anyway.

Which author inspires you?

There are many. A few include: Charles Bukowski, Bret Easton Ellis, Chuck Pahlahniuk, Hunter S. Thompson, and J.D. Salinger.

What do you find most rewarding about writing?

I definitely enjoy the process, outlining, then writing, and creating a story in my voice. Writing allows me to clear my head and add humor to places a reader may not normally laugh.

In addition to writing my novels, I also write rock columns for MetalUnderground.com (The Rockstar Ramblings), SleazeRoxx.com (Unauthorized ‘80s), and ChaoticRiffs.com (Live Wire). These websites give me yet another outlet to write, have fun, and promote my other work. I also write narrative travel stories for travel websites Viator.com, TravelMag.co.uk, and INeedaHoliday.co.uk.

Have you experienced writer’s block? If so, how did you cure it?

No, and it’s because my process begins with taking notes, often for months, and then an outline. Because I have an outline, I always have something to write. If I’m unable to create an outline, I haven’t taken enough notes. That’s not to say I’m always happy with my first draft, but that’s why they call it a first draft, right?

When is your next book due out, and what’s it about?

My new novel, Blood: The New Red (Silverthought Press), will be available 11-11-11. Blood: The New Red begins at an after-party, where Mickey, an ex-adult movie star turned supermodel, is aligning himself with a top designer of Seventh Avenue. In addition to landing a runway job, Mickey is thrown into the center of a scene where sex is used as motivation, the wine is served by year, and cocaine is back in style. Blood: The New Red promises to change the way you watch your next runway show!

Where can readers find you online?

My website is DavidSGrant.com. You can follow me on Twitter @david_s_grant.

My review of Hollywood Ending is coming soon. In the meantime, please check out what else David S. Grant has to offer by visiting his website.

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