March 25, 2025 
  The Bear�s Not in the Woods
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This edition of Stolen from the Headlines covers a daring daylight robbery, a test drive that went wrong, some concerned citizens who need to be parted from their cell phones, and a van load of missing doggies.

Cheeseburger Special
Originally reported by

Anthony Frazier, 25, is charged with robbery after slapping a man and stealing his green chili cheeseburger, according to a complaint filed in Santa Fe County Magistrate Court.

Police say the theft occurred at the Shake Foundation, at 631 Cerrillos Road.

A witness told police that Frazier, who had a brown belt around his neck, began dancing around the victim as he ate a green chili cheeseburger. Frazier knocked the cheeseburger out of the man�s hands before slapping him across the face, police say.

�Frazier picked up the burger and took off running heading north on Cerrillos Road,� the officer wrote. The witness identified Frazier as the man �who struck him and took his hamburger.�

And wore a brown belt around his neck.

Test Drive
Originally reported by News

Pennsylvania police say a man hoping to sell his car was taken for a ride when a prospective buyer drove away without him and never came back.

Investigators say the car�s owner advertised it online and met a man interested in buying his red 1995 Acura Integra with a charcoal gray hood. The owner drove the prospective buyer around for a while, then stopped and got out of the car to let the prospective buyer get into the driver�s seat. But police say the buyer drove away in the car before the owner could get back in.

The car was last seen in Dillsburg on Route 15, possibly headed toward Philadelphia.

No further breaking news is expected as Dillsburg (population 2,563) was asleep.

Police News
Originally reported by Flathead Beacon

7:55 a.m. A Kalispell resident requested extra patrols in their neighborhood because someone keeps �spinning brodies� every night.
8:15 a.m. A couple of horses were running wild down Hilltop Road in Columbia Falls.
8:47 a.m. A dog barks morning, noon and night in Columbia Falls.
9:53 a.m. A Kalispell woman reported seeing a huge wild cat in her neighborhood. She said she watched it for about 40 minutes before calling 911. At the time of the call, the cat was taking a nap.
10:21 a.m. A man was smoking cigarettes in high grass. A passerby was concerned that he might spark yet another wildfire.
10:36 a.m. A dog named Raymond has been barking for at least a week in a Kalispell neighborhood. Based on the number of complaints, it�s clear that everybody does not love Raymond.
1:07 p.m. A Kalispell woman wanted all the local �bum camps� to be cleaned up.
1:28 p.m. Three people with a broken-down car were having a smoke while trying to figure out what to do about their automotive predicament. A passerby was concerned that they were going to start a wildfire.
1:29 p.m. A Kalispell woman�s boyfriend�s ex-girlfriend has been giving her trouble.
1:41 p.m. A man in Kila reported seeing two other men who �didn�t look right� walking down the road.
2:47 p.m. A Kalispell man accused another man of stealing his hay.
5:13 p.m. A Bigfork business owner called 911 after someone found a bag of drugs in the parking lot. Now there were three guys in the parking lot looking for something. The business owner assumed it was the drugs.
6:08 p.m. A dog was running loose in Lakeside.
8:22 p.m. A Kalispell man reported that the person he sold his racecar to was now refusing to pay for it.
10:32 p.m. A Kalispell resident said someone was shining a spotlight at his cows in his pasture. Upon further investigation, it turned out that the spot lighters were just checking out a bear that was also in the pasture.

And Now for Some Good News
Originally reported by Yahoo! News

Washington State police say they�ve recovered a stolen motor home and reunited its owner with about 10 dogs that were inside.

Authorities tell KING-TV that police in Lacey on Saturday also took into custody one person in connection with the case. Officials say someone stole the Winnebago on Friday evening from the parking lot of a Federal Way sporting goods store. That�s about 35 miles from where police in Lacey recovered the vehicle.

Police say surveillance video shows a young man with black hair and a red, white, and black backpack stealing the RV. Police say the show and service dogs include a Doberman pinscher, five toy fox terrier puppies, three miniature pinschers, and a poodle.

And a partridge in a pear tree.

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