So B. It
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Families come in all forms—whether that means just a couple of people who love and support each other or a big, noisy collection of aunts and uncles and cousins and friends that became like family somewhere along the way. And in So B. It, based on the novel by author Sarah Weeks, one young girl travels halfway across the country to find the family she’s never met.

So B. It stars Talitha Bateman as 12-year-old Heidi It, who’s never known any family besides her autistic mother (Jessica Collins) and her agoraphobic neighbor, Bernie (Alfre Woodard). But when a mission outside their apartment to get a part for their ancient vacuum cleaner dredges up what seems to be painful memories for her mother, Heidi starts asking more questions about her past—and about her family. A search through the apartment leads Heidi to discover some old pictures from a facility hundreds of miles away, so she sneaks out at night and catches a bus to New York, determined to find some answers.

So B. It is the story of an unconventional family—of a lovable trio of people with challenges and flaws who nevertheless love and support and care for one another. Their situation certainly poses some questions, but if you’re able to overlook some of the nagging issues and focus on the bigger picture, it’s charming film about what it means to be a family.

The film boasts a strong cast, with some noteworthy supporting performances. But at the center of it all is another memorable performance by its talented young star. Heidi is a complex character. She’s strong and determined and often mature beyond her years, having grown up with one woman with severe disabilities and another who refuses to leave the house. She’s loving and patient, yet she’s still a kid, too. It’s a challenging role, but Bateman shows that she can handle every situation a director can throw at her.

Still, So B. It seems to struggle with the challenge that many literary adaptations face: trying to condense the story while retaining the emotional impact. Though the film is sweet and moving, it doesn’t have the same time and space to develop the characters and their relationships that the novel did—but it’s still an enjoyable movie with a whole lot of heart.

With its emotional journey and its lovable cast, So B. It is the kind of movie that’s more than just entertaining. It’s a charming little movie that’s sure to make you appreciate the people you call your family—no matter whom they may be.

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