Because of the Rabbit
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No matter how sure we may be—or how brave we may feel—it’s still not easy to step out of our comfort zone and try something completely new. And in Because of the Rabbit by Newberry Honor-winning author Cynthia Lord, one anxious little girl gets some much-needed help from a lost bunny.

The story sets out on a life-changing journey with Emma, a fifth-grader who’s about to start school for the very first time. Emma has been homeschooled her whole life, so she’s both nervous and excited to try new things and meet new people. When her first day isn’t as great as she hoped it would be, she dreads going back for more. Because while she dreamed of finding the perfect new best friend, she ends depending on Jack, a quirky kid in her class, and a rabbit that she helped her game warden dad rescue from a fence.

As Emma tries to adjust to her new public school surroundings, readers of all ages will understand her fears and insecurities. It’s not easy to be the new kid, and Emma will do anything to find a new best friend—even if that means covering up the truth about herself and trying to be someone she’s not. But she’s so busy looking for someone who meets all of her criteria that she fails to notice that she already has friends who like her just the way she is.

The characters here are adorably different, which gives them a special kind of charm. Emma comes from an active, nature-loving family, and her home school history gives her a unique perspective—one that she fears makes her stand out. Jack, meanwhile, is a sweet kid with his own kind of challenges. He’s easily excitable, and he struggles to stay focused. He doesn’t really fit in with the other kids, which makes Emma worry that spending time with him will ruin her chances of finding the best friend of her dreams. But he’s also kind and sensitive and enthusiastic, and he and Emma easily bond over their love of animals.

If your young readers share their love of animals (especially rabbits), they’ll like the characters, too. They’ll enjoy learning about rabbits through this cute and kind-hearted read. And, along the way, they’ll learn to embrace and appreciate what makes them—and others—different.

Because of the Rabbit is a sweet and often emotional novel about finding a friend—and being a friend, too. It isn’t an action-packed adventure or a silly story, but it’s a charming and meaningful read.

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