The Climb
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Every friendship has its good days and its not-so-good days. After all, even the best of friends don’t always see eye to eye. But in the dysfunctional friendship comedy The Climb, a couple of best buds go through some serious ups and downs through the years.

The Climb explores the turbulent relationship between a pair of lifelong best friends. Kyle and Mike (Kyle Marvin and Michael Angelo Corvino) are biking together through France when Mike confesses that he’s been sleeping with Kyle’s fiancée for years. That sets the stage for years of pain and anger, plenty of laughs, and general dysfunction as the two friends make their way in and out of each other’s lives. And while Kyle is just trying to find happiness and love, it seems that Mike always pops up at just the wrong time to make a mess of everything.

Told through a number of amusingly uncomfortable scenes through the years, The Climb follows this troubled friendship as Mike and Kyle endure the highs and lows of life.

The characters’ relationship is such a mess—but we’ve all seen these kinds of friendships before. Mike has always been the leader, the one who’s always in control—the football player to Kyle’s band geek. The one who tends to speak his mind a little too loudly and get into fights with anyone within earshot. Kyle has always been the thoughtful, lovable, and long-suffering friend—the one to cheer Mike on and go along with his crazy ideas. But all of that changes when Mike does the unthinkable—and his confession brings with it a kind of awkwardness and estrangement in their relationship. But while Kyle is hurt and heartbroken, it’s impossible to avoid Mike altogether—mostly because his family and his own sense of decency won’t let him.

What follows is uneasy and sometimes even difficult to watch—but often surprisingly funny, too. The laughs come at some of the most unexpected times, which seems to make them even funnier. Maybe you’ll see yourself—or someone you know—in one of these characters. Or maybe you’ll just see it as a ridiculous story about a couple of buddies. But it definitely offers an intriguing (and amusing) look at friendship.

Whatever your relationships may look like, whatever your role in them may be, you’re sure to recognize some of the characters and situations in The Climb. Sometimes it’s so awkward that it’s funny. But, mostly, it’s just funny because it’s true.

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