For the millions who visit each year, Paris is one of the most beautiful, romantic cities in the world. For those who live and work there, however, it can be a different story. And the French drama Driving Madeline (Une belle course) follows a world-weary Parisian cabbie as he takes a fare on her last ride through the city.
Driving Madeline spends a day traveling through the busy streets of Paris with Charles (Dany Boon), a struggling cab driver who’s short on cash and just barely keeping his license. When dispatch calls with a new fare, he halfheartedly accepts, knowing he needs the money. But he gets more than he expected from 92-year-old Madeline Keller (Line Renaud), who’s moving into a nursing home against her wishes. As they make their way across the city, with the occasional detour to visit important places from Madeline’s past, Charles is captivated by his charming—and surprising—fare.
As Charles and Madeline make their way through the hustle and bustle of this beautiful city, the focus isn’t really on the tree-lined streets or the airy cafes or the stunning architecture; it’s on these two characters, their lives, and the unexpected friendship that continues to grow with every passing block.
Legendary French singer Line Renaud gives an undeniably lovable performance as this mischievous nonagenarian, who’s set on reliving a lifetime of memories as she slowly approaches the inevitable conclusion to their ride: a life of boredom and confinement in a nursing home. Despite her age and her situation, Madeline is sweet and funny and full of life—and though Charles has much more serious matters on his mind, even he can’t help but get caught up in her reminiscing. But as he listens to Madeline’s stories of love and loss, he’s caught entirely off-guard by the direction her story takes.
Madeline’s past is certainly surprising—and it could have been explored in more depth. But while the character has a fascinating story to tell, that’s just a part of the growing friendship between the tired cab driver and his lovable passenger—and this sweet and simple drama about how lives can be changed by the slightest, seemingly mundane encounter.
For some viewers, Driving Madeline may feel too simple and too sweet. But these two stars take the simple story of two strangers traveling across Paris and turn it into something that’s captivating and lovable and emotional, too.
Driving Madeline opens in select theaters on January 19, 2024. Check your local listings to see if it’s showing near you.
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