Juror #2
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No one is especially excited to get the postcard summoning them to jury duty. It can be a time-consuming and tedious experience—though still an important one. But for the juror in Clint Eastwood’s Juror #2, there could be more at stake than just a few long days away from the office.

Juror #2 stars Nicholas Hoult as Justin Kemp, a father-to-be who’s far from thrilled about the timing of his summons to jury duty. Though he tries to get himself excused due to his wife’s high-risk pregnancy, he ends up assigned to the jury in a high-profile murder case involving a drunken dispute resulting in the violent death of a young woman. As Justin hears the details of the case, though, they begin to sound frighteningly familiar—and it puts him in a difficult position as he’s tasked with deciding the defendant’s fate.

As Justin listens to the testimony of the witnesses in the case, he finds himself deep in a moral dilemma—one that’s sure to make viewers question what they would do in his position. Though his fellow jurors seem convinced that the defendant is guilty, Justin is quite certain that he’s innocent. And though it would be easy—and certainly more convenient—for him to work toward a quick conviction and simply move on with his life, he finds himself sowing doubt in the jury room.

What could have been a rather straightforward court drama quickly turns into something so much more complicated as Justin tries to figure out how to move forward, weighing his family’s needs and his responsibilities as a husband and father with his need to do the right thing and his responsibilities as a juror. It’s definitely a difficult situation—one that comes with plenty of challenges and doubts and characters with their own experiences and opinions and personal bias. Justin’s moral dilemma makes for a fascinating story—and a tense one, too. And though it may not be as big and bold as some of this year’s other Award Season releases, it’s the kind of twisting story that will leave you with a lot to consider when it comes to an end.

Juror #2 is a tense and thoughtful drama—a haunting story about justice and politics, guilt and innocence, and impossible choices. It may not be an action-packed crime thriller, but it’s one that will challenge audiences to consider what they’d do in the character’s difficult position.

You can deliberate with Juror #2 when the film arrives on Max on December 20, 2024.

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