Seems Perfect
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Living with another person can be stressful—especially when it’s someone you don’t really know. And when a desperate young woman takes on a new roommate in Seems Perfect by author Rebecca Hanover, her living situation ends up being more stressful—and possibly more dangerous—than she expected.

The story finds Emily Hawthorne struggling to make ends meet—with the bills piling up higher every day. Desperate to make some extra money until she can get back on her feet again, she decides to take on a roommate. Pip Stone seems like the perfect choice—but then arrives at Emily’s one-bedroom apartment with a preteen daughter in tow. It soon becomes clear that she has no intention of paying rent—or sharing the condo. And when the downstairs neighbor is murdered—and both Emily and Pip become suspects—their living arrangement turns dangerous.

Many of us have our own “nightmare roommate” stories—the ones who ate our food or threw loud parties when we were trying to study—but Emily’s nightmare goes far beyond the normal roommate headaches. Once Pip and her daughter, Sophie, move in, it seems as though every day brings a new—unpleasant—surprise for Emily. They quickly take over the condo, moving into Emily’s bedroom when Pip had agreed to sleep on the futon in the living room alcove. But other strange things start happening, too—like the mysterious delivery of food that Emily can’t afford. As the situation gets worse, readers will feel the growing tension and anxiety—the gaslighting and manipulation. But when Emily looks into evicting her new roommate, she learns that there’s really nothing she can do.

Emily may plot and scheme, trying to remove the squatters from her home, but she just keeps losing battles in the war for her beloved home. With each chapter, Emily gets closer to losing her condo—and maybe even ending up in prison for murder. It’s definitely not a relaxing read to help you wind down at the end of the day, but while there are a few bumps in Emily’s story along the way, the growing tension will keep you coming back for more—to see how this terrible situation will turn out for this poor, desperate young woman.

If you’re looking for a relaxing read, Seems Perfect definitely isn’t it. It’s the kind of novel that will trigger all kinds of anxiety in readers. But it’s a tense dark thriller that’s sure to hold readers in suspense as it builds to its conclusion.

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