Rule Breakers
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Here in the States, courses in science and technology are open to anyone—but that’s not the case in all parts of the world. And the real-life drama Rule Breakers tells the story of a woman who chose to expand the horizons of girls in a country where girls are not supposed to receive advanced education.

Rule Breakers was inspired by the true story of Roya Mahboob (Nikohl Boosheri), a young Afghan woman who was encouraged as a child to learn about computers—even though only boys were allowed to learn about them in schools. As her love of computers grew, she decided to start a company that would teach computer skills to other girls in Afghanistan. And, following her company’s success, she decided to start a robotics team for girls—to give them the opportunity to learn more about technology and to travel the world to compete.

After finally finding four gifted girls whose families would allow them to participate, Roya and her Afghan Dreamers Robotics Team faced one challenge after another—whether they were fighting to get visas or receiving threats from the Taliban for interacting with male competitors. Yet, no matter how challenging or painful their situation got, they refused to give up—and their dedication and determination make the film an inspiring one.

Though the storytelling feels rather choppy and haphazard in the beginning, skipping back and forth through time to give short snippets of the story as it establishes Roya’s background, it eventually settles down and focuses on the team and their experiences. Like any effective inspirational sports drama, it follows the team though their ups and downs—and the times when a less dedicated group would have given up. There are roadblocks and triumphs—and a lot of energy and excitement from the big, noisy convention centers—all building up to one big, final competition. But while most sports dramas talk about athletic greatness, this one talks about rebelling against a system that holds girls back from learning and growing and achieving—about breaking free from oppression and fear. And while the story may feel formulaic and predictable, the stakes are high for these girls—and it’s impossible not to cheer for them to succeed.

Rule Breakers tells an inspiring true story about four smart, determined young trailblazers who fought to show the world what they could do. Though it isn’t especially surprising, it’s still has a moving and powerful story to tell.

You can join Roya and her team on their journey when Rule Breakers arrives in theaters on March 7, 2025.

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