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Every day, innocent people are targeted by criminals—from small-time crooks to online scammers—and, in many cases, there’s nothing we can do to fight back. But in the thriller Locked, a man who’s lost way too much decides to do what the police couldn’t do and fight for justice.

Locked stars Bill Skarsgård as Eddie Barrish, a desperate man who’s struggling to make ends meet. He’s trying to make a change in his life by working a legitimate job as a delivery driver—but when he finds himself with no money to fix the car that he needs not just to do his job but also to pick his daughter up from school, he’s left with few options. He decides to break into a luxury SUV, only to end up trapped inside by the car’s owner, William (Anthony Hopkins), who’s determined to make him pay.

Locked inside the SUV, which has been equipped with cameras, external controls, and some in-seat tasers, Eddie is a captive audience to William’s thoughts on crime and punishment (or the lack thereof). It’s an incredibly simple film—mostly just William sharing his views while Eddie tries to fight his way out. But while there may not be much to it, there’s still plenty to like about this claustrophobic thriller—starting with the cast. Bill Skarsgård has made a name for himself as a master of thrillers, and he makes for a strangely likable antihero here. Eddie may be a crook and a deadbeat dad, but there’s something about him that seems sincere—as though he really wants to do the right thing, but he just hasn’t been handed the right cards. Meanwhile, though Anthony Hopkins gives a primarily vocal performance—spending most of the film speaking through the car’s speakers—he makes the character sound rich and regal and maybe just slightly unhinged.

Admittedly, these stars don’t have a whole lot to work with—mostly just a phone exchange between a thief and a wealthy vigilante—and, in the hands of lesser stars, it would have been difficult to sit through. As it is, it does tend to drag at times, as William preaches and Eddie fights. It might not be as terrifying as viewers may be expecting, but the two stars take a simple but intriguing premise and turn it into something chilling and clever.

Locked isn’t a traditional horror movie—but it definitely has its share of horrors. It’s a tense and suspenseful thriller with two talented stars.

You can find Locked at your local theater starting on March 21, 2025.

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