When she first enters a place that’s scheduled for renovation, Taylor Forrestier goes into a trance and visualizes what the place once looked like. This unique talent has made her famous in the architectural world. Along with her twin brother, Trevor, she’s built a successful business—but life wasn’t always so good for them.
As children, Taylor and Trevor suffered atrocious abuse at the hands of their father—something that has traumatized them to the point that they’re unable to live separate lives. Taylor turns to God for help, but Trevor hangs on to his anger and shame while, at the same time, attempting to bury their past as if it had never happened.
When Alex Broussard enters their life as a client—and a possible love interest for Taylor—the twins’ situation comes to a volatile turning point. If they can’t face their past and learn to forgive, Taylor and Trevor may never live a normal life.
The Visionary is a dramatic and highly emotional read that tackles a subject that no one really wants to talk about, though it happens to children (especially females) more often than you might think. Though this is a work of fiction, it’ll still leave you feeling a bit depressed about the world around you. However, a glimmer of hope peeks through, too, helping to alleviate some of the dark subject matter.
Taylor and Trevor remain true to characters that have been abused. Their actions and reactions move toward a slow healing. Though their feelings aren’t always pretty, they’re honest.
Alex, however, seems to care for Taylor way too deeply, way too soon (in three weeks, to be exact). I felt that he should have struggled more in accepting Taylor and the total turmoil that her life seemed to be in. If someone’s life is a mess, and I haven’t known them for very long, my gut reaction is to stay out of it and not get mixed up in the drama. For that reason, I felt that Alex needed to be in Taylor’s life much longer before he could care enough to get involved with her, despite the psychological trauma she’s suffered.
Still, with the exception of a lot of giggling (I hate giggling adult characters—it makes them sound so immature) and some repetitive actions (such as running a hand down their face), The Visionary is beautifully written novel that’s well worth the read. Just be sure to brace yourself for the depressing subject matter.