It doesn’t happen too often when an article in SPIN magazine catches my attention. They usually buddy up with the band making waves on the charts, with little fanfare on up-and-comers. You can see where this is going. The November, 2002 issue has a band that, hands down, kicks ass. The Donnas are a female version of the Ramones. That’s right, girls who rock like the godfathers of punk.
The sound of Turn 21 is spookily reminiscent of the Ramones. The fact that each member’s stage name is Donna is certainly no coincidence. Led by vocalist Donna A., guitarist Donna R, bassist Donna F., and drummer Donna R., this band is poised to take center stage with a rough sound and edgy feel. Take the axe work of Donna R. It is incredibly heavy — it needs to be when the drums and bass bleed pure adrenaline.
Many people have never heard of these rock vixens, but this is their fourth album. They’ve honed their sound over the years after watching such shows as 90210 and actually going to a Brittney Spears concert (SPIN, Nov. 2002). Don’t let that piece of info fool you into thinking these girls are ladies. With songs like “40 Boys in 40 Nights,” you’d better think twice.
Every song is a party. It kicks off beautifully with “Are You Gonna Move It For Me?” Heavy rhythm, tight guitar, and one hell of a raspy voice send this song into high gear. I popped this in when I was driving a good distance. It was amazing how a one-hour drive became a 40-minute adventure. Head banging, fist in the air. I’m sure I was blur to most motorists, but who the hell cares?
I’m a huge fan of punk music. I’m not talking about those cheesy, top 40, crappy punk bands like Sum 41 and Blink 182 (that’s right, I’m not afraid to say it!). The Donnas are a great punk band. Three chords is all they need, sort of like another punk group I mentioned earlier. Much like a Ramones CD, you need to listen to it a few times before it grabs hold and runs away with your sister. But believe me, it will!