I’d nearly forgotten how good this movie was when I found the DVD for cheap. Just seeing the case brought back memories, though, so I figured, for the price of two rentals, I should add it to my permanent collection.
When I sat down to watch it, I made sure I wasn’t too sleepy—I remembered enough to know it wasn’t one of those action-packed movies that keep every sense jangling in the typical ADD way of many movies today. Instead, this film is a moving, meaningful story of a love developing between a restrained Oxford professor and an outspoken American poet who was his match.
This movie doesn’t stick too closely to facts but nevertheless beautifully illustrates how two intelligent, seemingly opposite, and often headstrong people can find great love together. It’s loosely based on the story of C. S. Lewis (famous professor who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia and other books, played by Anthony Hopkins) and his wife Joy Gresham (played by Debra Winger).
Hopkins and Winger do a fantastic job with the roles—they make love between seemingly unmatched people look natural and fitting. The film will make you want to visit both Oxford and the British countryside. The colors are wonderful and the scenery’s lush.
Oh, one warning, though, before you run out and rent the movie: there are reasons this movie’s in the drama section. You might want to prepare a box of Kleenex before you start up the movie. But it’s well worth the preparatory time. A good portrayal of a powerful story.