Jeremy Jacob finds himself babysitting for his baby sister while his father takes a nap. But his first adventure as a babysitter is disrupted by a group of pirates who have returned to dig up the treasure that’s buried in Jeremy’s back yard. Jeremy welcomes the group and learns that they need their treasure to repair their broken-down pirate ship.
The story takes a turn as the loud pirates wake Jeremy’s sister, Bonney Anne, from her nap. The pirates and Jeremy do everything they can think of to quiet down the baby, but nothing seems to work. Fortunately, Bonney Anne soon settles down when she becomes distracted playing in the backyard, but as the busy pirates prepare to dig up the treasure, Bonney Anne comes upon their map. She uses the map to teethe, which, of course, sends the pirates over the edge. They soon learn that babysitting is much tougher than being a pirate.
Pirates Don’t Change Diapers is a cleverly delivered story that keeps little ones laughing and wanting more. My six-year-old son thought it was a great read. He was especially taken by the pictures of the pirates feeding the baby, playing with the baby, and being worn out by the baby. The colorful illustrations and imaginative story make this the perfect bedtime read for little boys.