(Cordelia and Phoebe sit at kitchen table drinking coffee.)
CORDELIA: So where is he now?
PHOEBE: In the basement.
CORDELIA: The basement? How did you get him down there?
PHOEBE: It wasn’t too difficult. I had so much adrenaline flowing through my body I could have lifted a bulldozer. I wrapped a towel around his head and dragged him by the feet.
CORDELIA: Good idea. The towel, I mean.
PHOEBE: His head still thumped on each step, though. Couldn’t do much about that.
CORDELIA: What time did you…?
PHOEBE: Four-thirty.
CORDELIA: I was watching “Oprah.”
PHOEBE: Yes. We were both watching “Oprah.” Here at your house. Right?
PHOEBE: Who was on the show?
CORDELIA: Um, I think it was Nathan Lane.
PHOEBE: Well, was it Nathan Lane or not?
CORDELIA: Yes. I’m sure it was Nathan Lane.
PHOEBE: He’s wonderful. Sorry I missed it.
CORDELIA: Me, too. More coffee?