BOMBS AWAY: This week, the contestants on Top Design were challenged to decorate a room you could live in for the rest of your life—a bomb shelter. The interior designers teamed up to showcase their own personal style while collaborating on the overall look of the 12×14-foot room.
SAVED FROM THE BLAST: Nathan and Wisit changed the mood of the somber fallout shelter with a look they called “Edited Classic.” A tented ceiling and luxurious sofa wowed the judges in the chic space. The funky “Zen Den,” designed by Natalie and Teresa, was called “fresh” by the judges, even though they crammed a cartload of accessories into the small space. Shazia and Kerry created a functional shelter inspired by a spa retreat. The effect was uninspired, and it teetered on boring, but the team was spared elimination as well.
DA BOMB: Eddie and Andrea’s “Country Garden” conception was the winning fallout shelter/urban retreat of the week. Judges loved the hand-painted trees on the walls, the calm and soothing atmosphere, and the great symmetry the two created. Host India Hicks even said, “I could live there for the next 50 years.”
GONE NUCLEAR: Preston and Ondine’s “his and hers” idea felt like a dorm room when it came together. But it was the design team of Jennifer, the architect-turned-decorator, and Robert, the little spitfire who can’t seem to work well with anyone, that left judges baffled. The two, who fought from the beginning of the challenge, couldn’t come together to create a cohesive space, so they offered the judges two similarly disappointing concepts. In a surprise twist, both Jennifer and Robert were given the big goodbye this week when judges decided they equally deserved to go home.
There will be a fun cross-competition show challenge next week, as Top Design contestants will have special guest clients—former Project Runway stars!
HEY, BABY, WHAT’S YOUR SIGN?: Fashion designers competing on Project Runway had a surprise visit this week as the this season’s previously eliminated contestants came back to team up with the current eight. Each team had to create an avant-garde look inspired by an astrological sign. In an additional twist, the designers’ time was cut short by three hours, rushing them out the door to a party at the Museum of National History’s planetarium, where past-season competitors judged the designs.
RISING STARS: Korto’s flowing blue gown was a stellar recreation of Aquarius, Leanne’s black and red skeletal version of Scorpio was hot, and Joe’s Aries-inspired floor-length gown wowed the judges. But it was Jerell’s version of Sagittarius that was the hit of the runway this week. Show mentor Tim Gunn was concerned that Jerell’s skirt might be confused for an old lady’s coat, but after some tweaking and the addition of an amazing green peacock feathered jacket, the outfit was avant-garde perfection.
FALLING DOWN: Kenley’s black and pink plaid top with poofy skirt didn’t read “Aquarius” at all, and Suede’s flowing silky pantsuit version of Libra was too predictable. But Blayne and Terri were the two at the bottom this week. Blayne’s bizarre, leather-strapped bodice and confetti of tulle horrified judges, who didn’t see it as a Libra, and head judge Michael Kors called Terri’s gold and red version of Leo “a voodoo princess in hell.” Both Blayne and Terri had to pack their scissors this week, leaving only six contestants to battle it out in the next challenge.
Next week on Project Runway, the very quiet Leanne, a two-time winner of the top spot, belts out, “One sexy teacher dress, coming up!” I can’t wait to see that one.