“Haunting” is a word that people often use to describe a novel. A book that’s eerie or particularly gripping—a book that gives you the creeps—can be described as “haunting.” But it’s rare to find a book that will truly haunt you—that will leave you in a haze long after you finish reading the last page—the way that Chevy Stevens’s debut novel, Still Missing, will.
In the past year, former real estate agent Annie O’Sullivan has journeyed to hell and back. It all began on a typical afternoon, when she hosted an open house for one of her listings. Just as she was packing up to leave—to meet up with her boyfriend for dinner—a van pulled up, and a charming young man apologetically asked to see the house. This was the man that Annie soon dubbed The Freak—the man who abducted her and locked her in a secluded cabin in the mountains.
Now, a year later, Annie rehashes the experience—and logs her slow recovery—in regular sessions with her shrink. She recounts the horrors that she endured in the cabin, reflects on her courageous escape, and shares her reservations about the ongoing investigation, always fearing that it isn’t over just yet.
As Annie tells her story, revealing more and more with each therapy session, her horrifying account—and the unanswered questions—will hold you captivated. Stevens offers the information up slowly, taunting readers with bits and pieces of the story, leaving them wanting to know more. You’ll find yourself reading on long into the night, hoping to find out more about how Annie was finally able to get away—and whether she’ll be able to reclaim her life.
In the beginning, it takes a while to get used to Annie’s voice. At times, she seems a bit too gruff—almost masculine, even. While she makes it clear, early in the book, that she was never especially feminine—and her experience could have made her even tougher than before—her voice still seems more abrasive than necessary. Fortunately, though, it’s just a minor distraction from an otherwise riveting narrative.
Still, Still Missing isn’t always easy to read. The horrors that Annie is forced to endure are far more realistic—and, as such, often more frightening—than anything involving zombies or vampires or other things that go bump in the night. They’re the kind of sick and twisted horrors that real women experience every day—and reading about them will often made you shudder.
Of course, you’ll know from the beginning of the book that Annie eventually makes it out—so, though it all, there’s always that hope. But even after Annie escapes from the cabin, the nightmare continues. As she tries to heal, she’s left with nagging questions that keep her awake at night. Maybe she’s just paranoid—or maybe there’s something more, something deeper, to the story. But, whatever the case, you’ll be unable to set the book aside until everything comes together—and the final outcome will leave you stunned.
If you’re looking for a summer read that’s deeper and more gripping than the usual beach bag fluff, don’t miss Still Missing. It’s a haunting thriller that’s guaranteed to give you chills—even on the hottest of summer afternoons.