There’s just something about the coming of a new baby that inspires even the most frantic knitters to pull out those needles and knit up something tiny. Maybe it’s because baby projects are so quick to knit. Maybe it’s because a baby won’t complain if her new hat makes her look silly—or the colors in his new blanket aren’t really his favorite. Or maybe it’s just because those little knitted gifts look so adorable. But, whatever the case, knitters are constantly whipping up little hats and sweaters and even blankets. And whether you want to knit up a cute (and quick!) pair of booties for a friend’s new bundle of joy or a delicate lace blanket for your first grandchild, you’ll find the perfect pattern in Doreen L. Marquart’s Grammy’s Favorite Knits for Baby.
Grammy’s Favorite Knits for Baby includes all of the basic baby goods: hats, booties, sweaters, and more, in all shapes, colors, and styles. You won’t find anything fancy here—nothing especially trendy or timely or totally out there. There aren’t a whole lot of surprises, either—like the mobiles or toys or diaper bags that you might find in some other baby pattern books. Instead, the book is filled with a classic designs that you’ll be able to knit up this year, next year, or 10 years from now—just as you could have knit them up 10 years ago—and most of them are suitable for both boys and girls.
Still, these aren’t just a bunch of boring old projects. Some (like the booties, hat, and mittens in Granny’s Favorite Ensemble) are simple enough that you’ll want to knit up several—so you’ll have some baby gifts on hand, ready to go. But others, like the Cables and Lace Blanket, are more involved—sure to keep even more experienced knitters from losing interest. Some projects, like the Cupcake Cutie Cap featured on the cover, are absolutely irresistible. And some might even give you the opportunity to learn and practice a new technique (like the modular knitting of the Modular Cardigan).
At the same time, though, Marquart goes out of her way to make the designs just simple to knit as they are practical for their lucky little recipients. Many of the designs are mostly seamless (though none of the sweaters are the seamless, top-down style that I love so much)—and Marquart provides plenty of tips and tricks for saving steps along the way.
Of course, if you’re looking for a collection of hip little goodies to knit for your favorite trendy babies, you might want to look elsewhere. But, for its collection of classic baby patterns that you can knit over and over again (for years to come), Grammy’s Favorite Knits for Baby will make a good addition to any knitting library.