Once upon a time, in the days before things like DVD players and the Internet, kids like me would regularly check the local newspaper during the holiday season for the TV listings, eagerly awaiting the once-a-year airings of holiday specials like A Charlie Brown Christmas or How the Grinch Stole Christmas!. My mom and I would always plan our schedules around our favorites, making sure that we were sitting in front of the TV when they began. Now, of course, it’s a whole lot easier to watch these holiday classics—because you can buy your very own copy and watch it whenever the mood strikes.
In addition to Christmas regulars like Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, another one of my holiday favorites was the 1974 Rankin/Bass animated classic, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. The title suggests that the special offers a simple retelling of the classic holiday poem, but there’s more to it than just an annual visit from Santa. The story actually starts long before Christmas Eve—two months before Christmas, to be exact—when the people of Junctionville are shocked to discover that their letters to Santa have all been returned.
Santa, it seems, was offended by a letter to the editor of the Junctionville Register, calling Santa a “fraudulent myth”—and he’s decided to pass over the town. Father Mouse (voiced by George Gobel) is shocked to discover that his son is responsible, while the town’s clockmaker, Joshua Trundle (Joel Grey), decides to do something to help.
Mr. Trundle offers to build a special clock that will chime at midnight on Christmas and play a song welcoming Santa to Junctionville—but only time will tell if the plan will work.
It may not be one of the first shows that come to mind when you think of your favorite holiday specials, but ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas is sure to bring back all kinds of wonderful memories of childhood Christmases. It won’t be long before you’re singing along with the memorable songs and feeling that old, familiar holiday spirit.
The story is cute and magical—a short but sweet little tale with a message about believing in your heart, even if you can’t see something with your eyes. It’s a message that most kids still understand—while we grown-ups tend to need the occasional reminder.
The adorable characters, meanwhile—animated in their old-fashioned boots and bowties and their long, full dresses—make the story all the more lovable. From Father Mouse, who encourages his son to believe, to Mr. Trundle, who quickly springs into action, they’re the kind of characters that you’ll love revisiting each holiday season (and maybe even at other times throughout the year, too).
With its charming characters and sweet story, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas is a wonderful blast from Christmases past—one that you’ll enjoy sharing with your own family. And now that it’s available on Blu-ray, you can add it to your family’s collection, so you’ll never have to worry about missing its annual TV appearance again. You might even want to turn it into a regular Christmas Eve tradition.
Blu-ray Review:
The Blu-ray release of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas also includes an educational animated feature, called Christmas: A Global Holiday. Hosted by an elf on roller skates, this simply-drawn short feature introduces kids to some interesting Christmas traditions from around the world. It isn’t exactly a remarkable animated adventure, but it does offer some interesting information—which makes it well worth a few minutes of your time.