Thanks to the overwhelming mainstream success of .php>Midnight in Paris (not to mention a Golden Globe win and a few Oscar nominations), 76-year-old writer/director Woody Allen is suddenly more popular than ever. But Allen’s biggest, oldest fans still look back fondly on one of his most beloved films: 1977’s four-time Oscar-winner, Annie Hall.
Annie Hall tells the chatty, rambling story of the on-again, off-again romance between New York comedian Alvy Singer (Allen) and fun-loving free spirit Annie Hall (Diane Keaton).
As the film opens, 40-year-old Alvy is looking back on his relationship with Annie, trying to figure out what went wrong. The rest of the film, then, analyzes the relationship in a series of short, quirky scenes, skipping back and forth through time to show the characters and their relationship at both their best and worst—from their lovably awkward meeting to their unfortunate end.
Annie Hall definitely isn’t the typical romantic comedy. It doesn’t really have the beginning, middle, and end that most people expect when they sit down to watch a movie. Instead, it explores the relationship in stream-of-consciousness style, picking up snippets of memories as they jump into Alvy’s memory. In the process, Allen breaks all the rules of filmmaking, occasionally pausing the action to chat with the audience—or placing his older self in the middle of old childhood memories, so he can have a conversation with old classmates. And it’s that casual, free-flowing approach that makes the film such a unique and memorable experience.
Of course, the lovable characters don’t hurt, either. Keaton is absolutely adorable as the flighty Midwesterner. She’s laid-back and eccentric, with a distinctive wardrobe that’s about as iconic as the film itself. It’s no wonder Alvy falls in love with her; the audience will fall in love at first sight, too.
Allen, meanwhile, is at his neurotic, paranoid best as Alvy. He certainly isn’t the same old romantic lead (at least not one you’d find outside a Woody Allen film); he’s nervous and whiny and absolutely hilarious in a clever, quick-witted way. And if you’re still watching old Seinfeld reruns, you’ll definitely appreciate his random, rambling, funny-‘cuz-it’s-true style. His writing is smart and observant, filled with touches of reality that will remind you of moments in your own relationships.
The film is also filled with amusing little side stories—like the couple’s awkward trip to visit Annie’s family (including her brother, played by Christopher Walken) and their fish-out-of-water experience in posh LA. After 90 minutes of awkwardness, bickering, break-ups, and make-ups, though, it does wear a bit toward the end. It’s an honest look at the anatomy of a mostly-real relationship—but perhaps that’s exactly what makes it somewhat tiring: it’s sometimes a little too real.
Still, Annie Hall is the quintessential Woody Allen film. It’s chatty and random and loaded with lovably awkward characters. It doesn’t have the same Parisian charm of Midnight in Paris, but if you enjoyed Allen’s latest film, you might want to take your own step back in time to enjoy another Allen favorite.