Author C. J. Lyons is an e-publishing success story. Originally published electronically, thriller Blind Faith found its way to the New York Times bestseller list—and a major publisher. Now, after a little bit of tweaking, a revised version is available in paperback—complete with a new conclusion and a new heroine.
For two years, Sarah Durandt has lived in a nightmare. One night, while Sarah was out of town, her husband, Sam, and their son, Josh, were killed by Damian Wright. Wright is dead now—Sarah was even there to witness the lethal injection—but while he confessed to their murders (along with many, many others), he refused to tell her where he buried their bodies.
Denied the closure that she so desperately needs, Sarah is determined to find her husband and son. And while she’s searching in the mountains near the small town where she lives, she discovers a body—a body that isn’t Sam’s.
As Sarah helps recover the body, FBI Special Agent Caitlyn Tierney is making a discovery of her own. Some of the evidence in Sam’s case doesn’t make sense, so she heads to Hopewell to continue her investigation.
It’s not all that hard to see why Blind Faith has attracted so much attention. It’s a twisted, tangled story of love, loss, and greed, with multiple layers that are slowly peeled away as the investigation progresses. What originally seems like a heartbreaking yet relatively straightforward case becomes more and more complex as the clues are gradually revealed. Before long, it seems as though every character is hiding something—and you’ll often have a hard time differentiating the good guys from the bad guys. It may not be entirely believable—and the main villain takes villainy to the extremes—but the deeper you get into the story, the more suspenseful it becomes.
In the midst of the action and suspense, though, Sarah gives the story some heart, too. Once a loving wife and mother, she lost everything in just one night. Now she’ll stop at nothing to give her son and husband the peace they deserve. On the surface, she seems to remain calm and composed and surprisingly strong, but Lyons relates Sarah’s emotional journey through grief-stricken entries in a journal that she keeps safely tucked away. That mix of sorrow and strength is compelling, making Sarah the kind of character that you’ll easily care about. As her situation becomes messier and more dangerous, you’ll eagerly follow along, anxious to see how her story will end.
Meanwhile, though Caitlyn Tierney isn’t as compelling a character as Sarah is, her story is still interesting enough to motivate readers to keep an eye out for her next case.
Intricately layered, with sympathetic characters and a carefully crafted mix of drama and suspense, Blind Faith is a fast-paced thriller that will tug at your heartstrings as it elevates your heart rate. And that makes this e-book turned paperback a worthwhile pick—in any format.
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