Johnny Valentine is your average eleven-year-old boy who dreams of being a hero—and he might just get that chance when his grandmother, Stella, decides to take on a big corporate grocery store chain in an unconventional way. The company cut off her pension check by shady means, and she’s not happy about it. Since she no longer gets a check, she can’t afford the medicine that keeps her cancer in remission—so she decides to steal it.
Once Stella and Johnny get started, everything rolls out of control. They begin stealing large quantities of prescription drugs in order to help others in her predicament. This soon lands them in serious trouble—and in danger, too—as they attempt to evade the police, Johnny’s irate father, and the loan sharks from whom Stella stole a good bit of money so she could finance her crime spree. One thing is for certain: Stella will go down fighting.
After a bit of a slow start, The Fugitive Grandma picks up the pace to take readers on a hair-raising—and sometimes hilarious—trip. You won’t necessarily agree with everything that Stella is doing, but you will understand why, and you’ll root for her give-‘em-hell attitude. She’s one spunky old lady—the kind that you wouldn’t want to mess with.
Johnny loves his grandmother and will do anything to help her. He’s loyal and protective—both wonderful qualities for any grandson to have.
I thoroughly enjoyed this precocious tale of one person’s fight against a giant company that cares nothing for the elderly or the poor. The Fugitive Grandma is one crazy, high-speed ride, and you’re sure to have a blast reading it. It’s original, inventive, and just plain fun. So treat yourself to a few hours of enjoyment and pick up a copy today.