At some point, we’ve all found ourselves in a slump. The things that we once were passionate about have become mundane. Instead of being excited about each new day, the days just…pass. And in the Danish film Another Round (or Druk), four friends set out to find a solution for their slump.
Another Round faces a mid-life funk with Mads Mikkelsen’s Martin. Once a popular history teacher with his whole life and career ahead of him, he’s long since lost his passion—and his students, his colleagues, and his family have all taken notice. During a night out with colleagues, one mentions a theory that humans are naturally alcohol deficient—and drinking steadily throughout the day results in more confidence, happiness, and success. So, together, the four teachers decide to test the theory for themselves—with the intention of writing an academic study, of course.
Though Martin gets most of the attention, the film takes a look at each of these four men: their lives, their struggles, their dreams, and how their drinking changes things for them. In the beginning, it gives them all an extra spark. Martin may stumble over his words at first, but he finally wakes up. He gets his passion back—both in school and at home with his family. He’s a new—perpetually intoxicated—man. And he’s not the only one; as they all somehow keep their in-school drinking a secret, they all find themselves enjoying their work more.
Of course, it’s not all just a crazy, inebriated comedy. The guys’ drunken nights together are wildly entertaining—and their sneaking around at school is, too. And the actors work so well together that they’ll easily pull viewers in. But there are also some negative side effects to the whole experiment, too. As you might expect, some of their relationships suffer, and their “research” sometimes goes a little too far. In fact, that gives the film a melancholy undertone—because there’s always the feeling that things could go horribly wrong at any moment.
In the end, Another Round certainly has a lot to say about life, love, and alcohol. It’s entertaining, but it’s also thought-provoking—and sometimes even heartbreaking, too. It definitely isn’t the kind of outrageously boozy buddy comedy that would come out of Hollywood, but it offers a fascinating exploration that’s often quite fun to watch, too.
If you’re looking for a wild adventure for a brainless night of movie watching, this isn’t necessarily it. But Another Round is a mix of thoughtful and playful—a decent pick while you’re enjoying a drink or two of your own.
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