In this dark tale, reminiscent of The Sixth Sense, Grace (Nicole Kidman), a strict,
religious woman awaiting her husband’s long-overdue return from the war, moves into a mansion with her two children. The children are afflicted with a rare illness that causes a deadly reaction to light, forcing a housebound life in near darkness (only candlelight is permitted). Grace’s stressful, dark living conditions are enough to bring her to the brink… and then matters get worse. The family becomes witness to creepy manifestations within their apparently haunted abode.
Caretakers who arrive mysteriously on the scene seem suspiciously aware of, and protective over, the spooky occurrences in the house. And an initially joyous reunion with the husband takes a dark turn. Grace and her children become increasingly surrounded by the surreal creepiness of their lives, which keeps viewers guessing right until the tingling conclusion.
Excellent performances by Kidman and supporting cast alike — and a startling
premise. Definitely worth checking out.
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