It is great to get a chance to experience new musical artists — especially the ones who are trying to emerge in the mainstream and become recognized for their talent. I wish I could say Kristin Mainhart is one of those artists.
The first issue I have with her current disc is with the man known only as Khromozomes. He is the one who produced the electronic tracks that are supposed to accompany Mainhart’s voice. Instead of the music acting as a bridge for her voice to stand on, it’s more of a dam that holds back what talent she possesses. I’ve done some recording with my own band, and I know that the musical instrument levels have to be mixed to allow the voice to be heard. That doesn’t happen very well on this album.
My second issue is with Mainhart. She has a nice voice, but it doesn’t stand out at all. There are many women making a name for themselves right now. For them to make it big, they need to distinguish themselves from each other. Mainhart fails to do that. She desperately needs to find her own voice and let it fly. Mainhart has a strong voice, but sounding like a cross between Fiona Apple and Nelly Furtado is not going to help her.
Overall, I heard potential. What Mainhart does with it is anybody’s guess. For now, I would say if you saw a CD, skip it. If you see her performing live in a club, check it out. I bet she’s pretty good live.