Dear Christine,
I’ve read before where you’ve suggested that women shouldn’t be afraid to make the first move when it comes to matters of the heart. My problem is I’m so afraid of rejection, I just can’t get up the courage.
I don’t really expect an answer. But I have to ask: How do men do it? — LAURIE – EDMONTON, ALBERTA
Dear Laurie,
Fear of rejection is not reserved for women.
I posed the following question to Single in the City’s Male Advisory Panel:
When it comes to dating and romance, which of the sexes would you say are more afraid of rejection:
a) Men?
b) Women?
A resounding 97% said “a.”
If nothing else, this tells us that we all have to rise above our fears and go after whatever we want.
Dear Christine,
Every time I find a new guy, he’s attentive and giving at first. But as soon as the newness wears off, it’s like pulling teeth to get him to spend time with me.
Since I always put him on the top of my list of priorities, I flipped out on my current boyfriend when, for the umpteenth time, he spent more time with his buddies than me. He apologized and said he would spend more time with me.
Will he change, or am I wasting my time? — DEENA – LONDON, ONTARIO
Dear Deena,
It’s been said that, like dogs, men are pack animals. And it seems women tend to be makeover experts, trying to change men to suit their needs.
You’ve spoken your mind on this matter “umpteen times.” Odds are if he hasn’t changed yet, he won’t. Now, you either accept him for who he is or find someone with whom you are more compatible.
Young women tend to put the majority of their focus on male companionship. It’s only as we mature that we develop a better sense of balance between friends, family, career, lovers, etc.
I can’t help wondering if this is about him preferring his friends over you, or could it be you are too dependent on male attention?
Have a question, a thought, or a story to share (anonymity guaranteed? Email Christine at: