September is such a beautiful month, and yet, sometimes we hate to see it come. September represents the end of summer, the end of vacations, the beach, picnics, barbeques, and warm summer evenings.
When we think of September, we view it as not only an ending, but also as a beginning. It’s the beginning of a new season and the beginning of a school year. Remember, as a child, at the end of June when school was over talking about going back to school? “I’ll be in the fifth grade next year.” “Mrs. Murphy will be my teacher next year.” We think of September as the beginning of a new year, and in a sense, it is.
September can actually be a relief after the very hot, humid days of summer, especially the summer that Long Island (where I reside) experienced this year. All of my life, I have absolutely loved summer-the sun and the warmth it bestows on the earth, and the evenings that stay lit until 9 p.m. I’m one of those people who get chilled very easily and hate the colder months. This summer, though, was stifling and I found myself praying for cooler temperatures.
I know that the mothers of school-age children are in heaven when September rolls around. I’ve heard moms counting down the days beginning on August 15! Now September is here, and the weather is perfect. I can’t imagine having more beautiful days than these, but now that it’s here, I don’t want it to leave. Can’t we hold on to this month for more than 30 days? I think of the days ahead and imagine how cold they will undoubtedly become, and I’m saddened. Cold weather represents winter, the time of the year I don’t look forward to.
When I think of winter, I think of freezing evenings that turn dark before five. As a wheelchair user, I imagine being stuck in the house, as I watch the snow packing on my outdoor ramp. Oh no, when is this white stuff going to melt!
There is absolutely nothing we can do about the changing seasons. Some people say that they love the four seasons and wouldn’t want it any other way. If it was up to me, (and it certainly is not) I’d choose temperatures in the 70’s and 80’s all year long with little humidity. I’d want the sun shining everyday and the daylight to last until late at night. I’d want it to rain only at night just so the earth would stay fresh and the flowers would grow. I suppose I’m describing a kind of a utopia; well, it’s my version of a utopia.
September is here, and as I watch the first leaves of autumn fall, I’ll enjoy the delightful weather and the beauty of this season and appreciate my moments with it. Even though I’m sad that my favorite season has ended, I’m glad that God has given me the gift of life, so that I may see the seasons change from year to year and look forward to and appreciate the beautiful days.
Hey, Lord, do you think that maybe this year we could skip winter? Come on, just one year?