Players: 3-8
Playing Time: About 20 minutes
The object of Squint Junior is to create pictures out of shapes. The game comes with 168 Squint Junior Cards printed with different pictures that can be made from the 36 Shape Cards, which have long and short straight lines, curvy lines, circles, and such. Players take turns looking at a Squint Card (which the other players aren’t allowed to see) and creating a picture using the Shape Cards while the other players try to figure out what’s being made before time runs out. While the other players squint at the picture and try to guess what it is, the Builder is allowed to give clues by pointing at parts of the picture or by saying “hot” or “cold,” “yes” or “no”—but that’s it. If someone guesses correctly before the time is up, that person and the Builder each get a scoring chip. If no one guesses correctly in time, then no one scores. The person to the left of the Builder then takes her turn as Builder, and so on until the specified number of rounds has been played. The player with the most scoring chips at the end of the game wins.
While it’s suggested for players ages and eight and up, I played Squint Junior with my eight-year-old, her little sister, and an adult friend. My friend and I thought it was pretty fun. The four-year-old thought it was fun because, well, everything is fun to her. But the eight-year-old was not terribly amused. It could have been a mood, but I think that the game was still a little too hard to be fun for her. She secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) suspects me of cheating, but I swear I’m just a good guesser and that squinting at the pictures really does help you figure out what they are!
We found that some of the pictures were a little obscure for the younger players to guess. For example, the teapot actually looks kind of like a mouse—and what’s with the “cannon” card? While it wasn’t too hard for me and my friend, it was really challenging for the little girls—and I would definitely recommend this for a slightly older group of children. I like the way the game is timed—and that the number of rounds is determined by the number of people playing. For example if you have three or four people, you play three rounds, five or six people play two rounds, and so on—so it doesn’t go on forever. My opinion is that this one is a thumbs-up—as long as you play it with bigger kids.