I usually gravitate towards more adult-type movie tastes. Not to say I dig my porn, but rather a good thriller or similar fare. Something exciting and intelligent that anyone over 16 can enjoy. I admit that my wife dragged me to Eight Below because of the cute doggies in it, and I can’t say that Paul Walker has the same effect on me that he does on teenage girls.
But with that said, I loved it. And here’s why: those doggies are so damn cute! They have such great personalities that they pull you in. You can’t help but be swayed. The dog’s characters are so real, you almost believe their human-type intelligence. The animals were directed with obvious flair. Frank Marshall hasn’t been known as a director, or I should say as a good director, but rather as a great producer. Just look at Steven Spielberg’s movies to see what I mean. But Frank really breaks free with this movie. He manages to pull the right strings and grab a really top-notch cinematographer (Don Burgess), and they take full advantage of the breathtaking landscapes available in the Antarctic.
The movie is great for the whole family and I have nothing bad to say about any of the elements brought together for this one. Going in, I had a Snow Dogs vibe with Paul Walker playing the Cuba Gooding Jr. role, but this one has a lot more heart then that one did. Whereas Snow Dogs was somewhat silly, Eight Below takes a more serious route.
The movie is about Gerry (Paul Walker), a guide in the Antarctic who takes explorers deep into the snowy terrain. During a brutal snowstorm, he is forced to leave the dogs behind, chained to a tether at the main compound. The evacuees are sent back to the States where Gerry sits and frets for months about the family of dogs he left behind. The dogs manage to get loose (the only farfetched part of the “true story” script) and find food, and Gerry and his explorer friends manage to make their way back to pick them up. Everyone rejoices.
Paul Walker (teenage-girl fan base aside) manages to do a decent job in his role, at least when he isn’t walking somewhere. When he’s walking, he seems like a playground bully looking for a fight—with his bulky arms held away from his body, and his hands clenched. (Once you notice this, you’ll never see his movies the same again, believe me.) Jason Biggs is fun as the sidekick and deserves note.
This movie is great for all ages and genders. It’s an all-around great adventure film, and even if you are not a dog lover, you’ll find yourself rooting for them in the end.