Leonard Cohen: I’m Your Man is both a biography of the poet and singer/songwriter and a concert of some of his work, performed by a number of artists, including Rufus Wainwright, Beth Orton, and .nightsandweekends.com/articles/05/NW0500128.php>Nick Cave. The film opens with a spectacular performance of Cohen’s “I’m Your Man” by the dark and gravelly Cave—though not all of the performances are equally impressive. Some artists—Cave and Wainwright especially—get it right, allowing the audience to get a full appreciation for the song and its poetry. Others, however, seem to miss the point, muttering through the lyrics—which should be the focal point of their performances, since Cohen’s love of writing and the careful penning of his lyrics is so often the focal point of the film.
Interspersed throughout the performances are interviews with the performing artists, who talk about Cohen’s influences—as well as with Cohen himself. The moments with Cohen are the film’s most fascinating, as he provides short snippets of his life story—of his childhood in Montreal, his residence at the infamous Chelsea Hotel, and his ordination as a Zen monk. He gives insights into his personal style, his influence, and his philosophy. And he even explains what was going on in his life when he wrote some of the songs included in the film. While he doesn’t tell the whole story, he gives enough to refresh the memory of old fans—and to compel new fans to find out more.
I’ve heard complaints about this film from Cohen fans, saying that it doesn’t do Cohen justice—because it’s filled with other artists performing his songs. At the same time, however, today’s younger audiences (myself included) have actually been introduced to Cohen’s music through other artists, and it seems almost fitting to use those artists to help tell the story. Still, I have to agree that audiences of all ages would have benefited from a few more performances by Cohen, in addition to the film’s final performance—the only one sung by Cohen, accompanied by U2. Because it’s definitely more powerful (not to mention meaningful) to hear the song as it was meant to be sung, by the man who wrote it. Cohen’s performance is an excellent climax to the film—but I wish there had been more of him.
Leonard Cohen: I’m Your Man isn’t the best film from a technical or cinematic standpoint. Some of the camera angles and effects are, at times, a bit distracting. But it’s a captivating documentary nonetheless. If you’re an old fan, you might be a bit disappointed by some of the performances, but you’ll still find it well worth your time. And if you’re a member of the younger generations who aren’t quite as familiar with Cohen and his work, give the man a chance—and you’re likely to become a new fan.