With their billionaire boss, Bob Honcho, away on a tropical adventure with his billionaire friends, the guys in The Film Crew (Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett) are left behind, suffering through an air-conditioning overload at Film Crew Headquarters. So Mr. Honcho calls with a little something to warm them up—a tropical adventure that’s just begging for a Film Crew commentary.
The guys’ latest assignment, the 1958 film Wild Women of Wongo, tells the story of a little experiment by Mother Earth and Father Time that went horribly wrong. Their idea was to place nothing but beautiful women in the village of Wongo—with a bunch of ugly, brutish men. Also one seriously obnoxious parrot who occasionally talks, when he feels the urge. But far, far away, in the tribe of Goona, live a whole village full of handsome men and not-so-handsome women.
Everything runs smoothly for these two tribes until one day, when the son of the King of Goona arrives in Wongo to report that a mysterious gang of ape men have been spotted nearby. He suggests that the two tribes band together to fight the ape men—but the men of Wongo are immediately suspicious of this man with skin like a woman. They secretly plan to kill him—while all of the women of Wongo secretly plan to keep this gorgeous hunk of a man around for as long as is humanly possible.
Wild Women of Wongo is, without a doubt, the funniest Film Crew DVD so far. Of course, it helps that the movie itself is so ridiculously (and unintentionally) hilarious. The stilted caveman dialogue is so bad that it’s almost good—and the girl fights and the over-the-top score and the bizarre religious rituals make for almost non-stop laughs. But the Film Crew commentary only adds to the fun.
This time around, the guys have more than enough to work with—and, as a result, they’re even more creative and more hysterical than usual. It’s pretty obvious that, deep down, the Film Crew guys are just a bunch of geeks—so a movie with a bunch of tough, beautiful cave chicks who couldn’t act their way out of a cardboard box is like hitting the jackpot. The usual pop-culture references are still here—as are the ever-present poop jokes—but there’s so much more to love about Wild Women of Wongo. There’s a lot more singing, for one thing (whether or not that’s a good thing is still open for discussion). And the guys come up with all kinds of great lines (like my personal favorite, “Give the Goona some tuna!”).
In fact, the guys are a lot chattier through the whole movie—which makes it feel as though the first two movies were just a warm-up (not a bad warm-up, mind you, but a warm-up nonetheless), and the best is yet to come.