Thirty-six years after The Jungle Book first appeared in theaters, Disney released the sequel—and it turned out to be a lot like returning to your favorite vacation spot years later: different…but still fun.
The Jungle Book 2 picks up the story as young Mowgli (Haley Joel Osment) is settling into life in the village. He’s got a new family, complete with a little brother, Ranjan (Connor Funk). He’s even got a new best friend, Shanti (Mae Whitman). But he still misses the jungle—and his old Papa Bear, Baloo (John Goodman).
Back in the jungle, Baloo misses his Little Britches, too. Though his friends try to stop him, he manages to make his way to the village, determined to find Mowgli and bring him back. Mowgli couldn’t be happier to leave the village, but when Shanti sees him leave with a huge bear, she figures he’s in danger—so she heads into the jungle to save him. Little does she know, though, that Shere Khan (Tony Jay) is lurking in the jungle, too—waiting to get his revenge on Mowgli.
The Jungle Book 2 tries to recapture the magic of the original Jungle Book by mixing a lot of the old with a little bit of the new. Most of the familiar old characters are back—from Mowgli and Baloo to the vultures and the elephants (just about everyone, in fact, but King Louie). But, since part of the movie takes place in the village, there are new characters, too—like hesitant but fiercely devoted Shanti and playful young Ranjan. And the same goes for the music. While there are a few jazzy new songs, you’ll still hear “The Bear Necessities” several times throughout the film.
As for the story, it’s kept pretty simple. There isn’t a whole lot of plot, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It doesn’t try to do too much—which leaves it to its jazzy jungle fun.
The Jungle Book 2 may not be as magical (or memorable) as its classic predecessor—but, as far as sequels go, it’s not half bad. I’m sure the film’s creators knew that they wouldn’t be able to recreate the beloved classic—but they made a pretty solid attempt nonetheless. Instead of going overboard and trying to create all kinds of wacky new characters and silly storylines, they kept things simple, sticking with the same lovable characters and throwing in plenty of fun musical numbers. The new cast does a good job of capturing the spirit of the original—and even the animation, while crisper and more detailed, stays true to the look and feel of the original.
Of course, if you expect The Jungle Book 2 to be the same as the original, you’ll be disappointed. But take it for what it is—a pretty good sequel—and you’re sure to enjoy your trip back into the jungle.