With the entire nation currently caught up in a big, steaming pile of political drama, there’s just no better time for Christopher Buckley to release his latest political satire—especially one that’s much, much more entertaining (and, believe it or not, even stranger) than reality.
When President Donald P. Vanderdamp was elected, he promised to turn Washington around. He’s done just that—and it’s made him extremely unpopular, both with Congress and the American people in general. So when a senile Supreme Court justice finally retires, leaving Vanderdamp to nominate his replacement, it’s really no surprise that Dexter Mitchell, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee does everything in his power to find reasons to reject every nominee who comes his way. So after two well-qualified nominees are brutally rejected, Vanderdamp finds his third nominee in the most unlikely place: late-night TV.
Pepper Cartwright is the judge on Courtroom Six, one of the most popular shows on TV. So when Vanderdamp nominates her to the Supreme Court, Mitchell finds himself in hot water—because the American people love her. And who is he to deny the American people?
As Pepper trades her TV courtroom for the Supreme Court, her former producer (and bitter estranged husband), Buddy, approaches Mitchell with a proposition that could take him straight to the White House: his own TV show.
Christopher Buckley’s Supreme Courtship is a delightfully twisted satire about the American obsession with celebrity. It’s both bitingly funny and embarrassingly tragic—because, in a country where professional wrestlers and Austrian action stars get elected to public office, it’s not nearly as shocking (or as absurd) as it should be.
This tangled story just gets more and more tangled with every page—and Buckley will keep you chuckling with each new devilish little detail. In fact, those details are what makes Supreme Courtship so much fun to read—from Buckley’s cynical footnotes to his detailed descriptions of nomination hearings and quirky court cases.
But Supreme Courtship is more than just funny—it’s also sharp and incredibly perceptive. And you’ll find yourself so caught up in the strange cast of characters and the story that ties them together that the pages will fly by.
So if you’ve had your fill of election-year drama, pick up a copy of Buckley’s Supreme Courtship. It’s easily one of the funniest books I’ve read this year, but it’s also smart and wildly entertaining. And, fortunately, when it’s all over, you can close the book and set it aside with a smile, knowing that it’s all just a work of fiction. For now.